FEDMA answered Commission public consultation on AI and Digital Services Act over the summer

The European Commission plans to publish a proposal on AI early 2021. This initiative should ensure that AI is safe, lawful and in line with EU fundamental rights. The overall goal is to stimulate the uptake of trustworthy AI in the EU economy. A White Paper consultation on AI, to which FEDMA responded to in June, already identified elements of a possible legislative initiative on AI for the purposes of a wide public consultation. In line with the Commission’s Better Regulation Guidelines, this Inception Impact Assessment (and the forthcoming impact assessment) complements the White Paper by further analysing relevant policy options and policy instruments. Within the context of the IIA, FEDMA is very pleased to have send in updated comments on AI to the European Commission.
The European Commission also ran a public consultation over the summer on the Digital Services Act, with the aim to strengthen the Single Market for digital services and foster innovation and competitiveness of the European online environment. FEDMA provided answers early September to several section of the public consultation, and submitted in addition a separate paper summarizing our position. In particular the European Commission has been looking at better protecting users of digital platforms, how to define and regulate digital platform acting as gatekeeper but also how to address competition issue based on accumulation of data, transparency in digital advertising and political advertising. The first results and legislative proposals are expected in Q4 of 2020.