Latest News

18 July 2019

Habemus presidentem: Ursula von der Leyen as the new head of the European Commission

11 July 2019

CRODMA’s new project on integrated marketing

11 July 2019

EU: The circling of legislative wagons to better protect consumers

4 July 2019

ICO AdTech report: a wake-up call for the industry

1 July 2019

FEDMA welcomes a new Board Member – SNCD

27 June 2019

EU ethical guidelines for trustworthy AI and the EU AI strategy

13 June 2019

Post-electoral period: what is the European Commission doing?

30 May 2019

ePrivacy: progress report from the Romanian Presidency

16 May 2019

ePRivacy: Progress report for the Council of Ministers

Despite its initial plan to achieve a general approach of the Council on the ePrivacy File, the Romanian presidency will be presenting a progress report at […]
2 May 2019

Digital Single Market: state of play

Mid April, the Council adopted new rules on copyright, sales contracts for goods and digital content. Member states will now be required to transpose the new […]
18 April 2019

New Deal for Consumers: progress on the modernisation of EU consumer law

On 21 March, the Romanian Presidency announced that a provisional agreement, confirmed the following week by Member States’ ambassadors in COREPER, had been reached in trilogue on the […]
4 April 2019

GDPR implementation and EDPB guidelines

European Data Protection Board is updating its Opinion 1/2010 on controllers and processors in the view of producing guidelines. EDPB organised a workshop on the 25th […]