Latest News

25 May 2018

General Data Protection Regulation is now entered into force

Today, 25th of May 2018, sees the new regulatory framework on data protection take effect. GDPR now applies in all EU countries, even if your country […]
24 May 2018

New global study reveals consumers are happy to share their data

Despite cultural and economic differences, new research from the GDMA and Acxiom, shows consumers’ around the world take a similarly pragmatic approach to sharing their data 24 […]
26 April 2018

Privacy and the DSM: Gallery

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”6″ gal_title=”Privacy and the DSM: Gallery”]
26 April 2018

FEDMA Held a Debate on EU Digital Legislations Impact on Users and The Data-Driven Industry

On the 24th April 2018, FEDMA organized its annual data protection event at the European Parliament. This year’s debate was focused on the ePrivacy Regulation proposal’s […]
23 March 2018

The German Direct Marketing Association (DDV) is repositioning itself for the future as the driving force in the field of Data Driven Economy

At the General Assembly on 9th March in the Museum of Communication in Frankfurt, the German Direct Marketing Association has set an important course for the […]
1 March 2018

Head of Austria’s DPA Elected as New Chair of Art 29 WP

The Austrian data protection authority chief, Andrea Jelinek, won elections in Article 29 Working Party to take the position of a new chair of the EU’s […]
26 February 2018

Artificial Intelligence: Beyond Privacy

Opinion Column by Ivan Vandermeersch, the Secretary General of the Belgian Association of Marketing (BAM) and Board Member of FEDMA.  The joyous entry of digital society […]
14 February 2018

88% of UK Consumers See Transparency as The Key to Increase Trust in Sharing Data

As businesses prepare for the new rules with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force in 100 days, almost two-thirds (61%) of consumers in […]
1 February 2018

German Ministry Conducted a Research on Economic Impact of ePrivacy Regulation

The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy had mandated an economic impact of the ePrivacy Regulation on online advertising and ad-based digital business model. The […]
18 January 2018

Article 29 Working Party Published Draft Guidelines on Consent and Transparency

The Article 29 Working Party has put forward proposals for two new guidelines on consent and transparency under the EU General Data Protection Regulation. These two draft […]
4 January 2018

Bulgaria’s EU Presidency: Key Priorities Outlined

The Republic holds the presidency of the Council of the EU since the 1st of January for the first six months of 2018. The presidency with […]
7 December 2017

FEDMA Defends Industry Position on ePrivacy Regulation at Privacy Platform

On November 9, European Parliament Privacy Platform held a session with the theme “Track or Treat!” Behavioural targeting and online privacy’ during IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress. The panel hosted […]