Self-regulation: FEDMA reelected to defend self-regulation
FEDMA continues to support self regulation in general and more particularly, co regulation for data protection. For example, FEDMA is committed to updated its Code of Conduct to the GDPR. FEDMA also called for the renewal of the self regulatory community of practice within the European Institutions, fro industry stakeholders to exchange best practices whichever the sector. Fore more information, please check our answer to the consumer consultation on a new consumer agenda.
FEDMA is particularly pleased to have been reelected to sit on the Board and executive committee of EASA, the European Advertising Standards Alliance. Geraldine Proust, FEDMA Director for Legal Affairs, will replace Mathilde Fiquet, Director General. Advertising self-regulation helps ensure that ads are legal, decent, honest and truthful and by doing so helps create consumer trust in advertising and in brands.